University of Arizona

Recycling and Waste Management

David Munro, Program Coordinator
Office: (520) 621-1264
Fax: (520) 621-6086

FM Recycling & Waste supports the University of Arizona's long-term sustainability goals by working to facilitate and increase recycling efforts campus-wide. Our primary focus is on recycling, providing information, education, and resources to support the recycling of common materials such as cardboard, paper, aluminum and plastic. We also recycle print and toner cartridges, e-waste, batteries, and shipping pallets.

In partnership with Waste Management Inc., we operate a modified "single-stream" recycling system. All types of Paper (office paper, newspaper, chipboard, etc), Plastic (consisting of any #1 through #7 "non-film" plastics) and Aluminum/Tin cans can be deposited in virtually any recycling bin or box on campus.

We also provide separate "White Office Paper Only" bins for administrative offices and copy rooms for the exclusive collection of this high-revenue commodity. Finally, all corrugated cardboard boxes are collected in cardboard cages located throughout campus. As other high-revenue streams are made available, we will implement those accordingly. For a detailed list of the types of materials we are currently able to recycle, click here.

Our goal is to steadily increase the recycling rate for the entire University community by a rate of 10% each year for the next 5 years. Currently, the University recycles 40% of all waste, a five percent increase from a year ago. We are here to provide bins, boxes, promotional materials and on-site education for your office or building occupants. Please take advantage of these services and help the University of Arizona achieve its recycling goals.

For any and all questions, comments, suggestions or requests, please call 621-1264 or email Recycling & Waste Management at or David Munro, Program Coordinator, at

Please join us in helping the University of Arizona in becoming a greener campus!