University of Arizona

Recycling Containers

The Recycling and Waste Management Program uses a variety of containers to meet campus needs. To view these containers, please click on one of the links below.

Please call 621-3000 to order containers.

  • Medium Box - This is a personal desk side box about the size of a wastebasket. Used mostly for Office Paper recycling.
  • Large Box - This is our largest box for centralized areas. Can be used for Office Paper, Aluminum, Plastic, or Newspaper recycling.
  • Special Containers - Includes containers for confidential recycling and office clean-outs.

  • Ottos - These 90-gallon barrels are used by custodians in back of buildings for Office Paper.
  • Dumpster - These large, 4 to 8 yard bins are used for Newspaper collection, seasonally for Phonebooks, or for other larger recycling projects.
  • Clusters - These are four containers grouped together. Used for collecting Newspaper, Plastic, Aluminum, and trash in high-traffic areas.
  • Blue Barrels - These 90-gallon barrels are used for collecting Newspaper or Aluminum and Plastic in high-traffic areas.
  • Cardboard Cages - These rolling cages are used for collecting flattened corrugated cardboard