Q) Does the UofA recycle ONLY white paper in our Office Paper Recycling Boxes?
A) No, we actually recycle a mix of papers called Office Pack, which includes white, pastels, glossy, and heavy stock papers.
Q) Can shredded paper be recycled?
A) Yes, as long as it is bagged. Shredded paper can cause litter if not properly contained.
A) None of these things need to be removed before recycling. They all come out in the paper pulping process.
Q) How do I get a recycling box?
A) Contact the FM Work Desk at 621-3000. To see pictures of the containers we can provide, please see our Recycling Containers page.
Q) My recycling box is full, who empties the recycling boxes in my building?
A) If you are an on-campus building or an off-campus building with UofA custodial service, your custodian will empty the large Office Paper, Aluminum/Plastic boxes, and will take your cardboard out. Custodial Services can be reached at 621-7558. Medium (deskside) and small (desktop) boxes should be emptied by the box user into the large boxes. Please contact the FM Work Desk at 621-3000 for more information.
Q) How do I recycle confidential documents?
A) Recycling and Waste Management can provide confidential recycling services. Please contact the FM Work Desk at 621-3000 to obtain container and scheduling information.
Q) How much does the UofA recycle annually?
A) The UofA recycles approximately 800 tons of material every year.
Q) Can we recycle file purges and office clean outs?
A) Yes. Please refer to our guidelines for performing an Office Clean-Out if you are planning a large purge. Contact the FM Work Desk at 621-3000 to obtain container and scheduling information.
Q) How do I get the pallets, crates, and other bulky trash removed from my building?
A) Recycling and Waste Management will pick up bulky items from the outside of buildings only.
Q) How do I get extra pick ups for the trash containers in back of my building?
A) Trash service beyond our regular schedule is a billable service.
Q) I am organizing a special event, how do we get trash and recycling receptacles?
A) To obtain trash or recycling containers for your special event, please fill out the online billable request form.